Leave or Absence
Home/Leave or Absence
  • Regular attendance is expected of every student and no student will absent himself /herself from his or her class without the prior permission of the class teacher or principal.
  • The class teachers are authorized to grant leave or two days provided they are not the days of examinations. Leave applications for three or more days should be sent to the principal. No separate leave applications entertained. Parents can write the application on the prescribed sheets in the diary.
  • If prior permission for leave cannot be obtained for reasons beyond control, written information signed by the parent / guardian should be sent to the principal by hand on the first day of absence. When the student regions the school the parents should write the reason for absence with a plea to grant the leave for the days absent on the prescribed sheets in the diary.
  • Absence from examination without leave and the re –opening of classes after holidays will be viewed seriously. In the case of illness a medical certificate should be submitted.
  • Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence or more than 10 consecutive days renders the student liable to have his /her name struck of the rolls. Re –admission may be granted only on satisfactory explanation by parents /guardians and on payment of a fresh admission fee.
  • Every student should be present in school on the reopening days after the summer, Puja and Christmas vacations. Absentees will have to pay a fine of Rs.50/-for the reopening day and Rs. 50/- for every subsequent day including Saturdays and Sundays. No excuses will be entertained.